With the defeat of the amnesty bill this week, right thinking Americans are rejoicing. And they should, it was a victory for the ages. Okay, that's little much, but you get my point. It was a bad bill designed to reward bad behavior, and it is dead. At least for the next couple of years, when it will be brought back to life by President Hillary.
Just joking.
It's kind of funny though, conservatives are so ecstatic that this bill was killed that you would think the issue of illegal immigration had been solved. I wonder if people who have successfully thwarted a mugger feel this way. Is the relief and satisfaction of prevailing over a threat so great that it doesn't occur to you think about the fact that you are no better off than you were before the assault?
Saturday, June 30, 2007
12-20 Million and Counting
Monday, June 18, 2007
Bear Attack
I saw on the news where a black bear killed an 11 year old boy who was camping with his parents in Utah. All I can say is thank God there are no javelinas in that part of the world or the whole family might have been killed.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
I am a little embarrassed to post this after that last post BUT
Here is my intellectual, thought out open letter to Mr. Nifong. If it is too deep and way over any reader's head then let me know since I am always happy to explain.
Dear Mr. Nifong,
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Hee Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha and Ha.
Dear Mr. Bush
For your Illegal immigration policy I have to say Stupid, stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid etc etc/
It just struck me since we are in conspiracy mania here, the war may have been the way for Bush to distract us from the southern invasion? Hmmmmm.
The Super intelligent Vic
North American Union
In a recent conversation, I was challenged to name someone,who isn't a crackpot, who genuinely believes that GWB is pushing a NAU agenda. Here are three. Jerome Corsi- author of the swiftboat book that helped keep horseface Kerry from getting elected. Phyllis Schlafly- "The First lady of Conservatism". Lou Dobbs- CNN anchor. While none of these people are infallible they are also not bomb shelter dwelling conspiracy theorists who think that the devil worshipping Freemasons offered up Jonbenet Ramsey as a human sacrifice. Corsi and Schlafly have written many articles on this subject and provide many official sources. If I weren't such a Luddite I would provide links but anyone really interested can look it up easily enough.
I am not positive that these people are correct, but they do make a reasonable case, that gets more reasonable everytime GWB addresses the illegal immigration subject. I maintain that the three people named are smarter and more informed than I am, and maybe even more than the debater who challenged me to name them. Stepping farther out on the blasphemy limb, they may even be smarter and more informed than Michael Medved, who by the way is the Kool-aid provider to my challenger on this issue. I know that sounds like crazy talk since Medved is infallible, what with him being a former left-wing activist, movie critic, recently turned conservative and all.
Back in the mid eighties when I was a brain washed conspiracy theorist, many true believers were saying that then Vice President GB Sr. was a proponent of "one world government", "open borders", "globalization" and the like. As wrong as they were about soooo many things they may have been right about this. Even a blind hog finds an acorn once in a while.
In closing let me say that in my opinion there aren't many people crazier than Fred Phelps. He's the pastor of that weird church in Kansas that disrupts the funerals of dead servicemen. I despise him and what he does, but if I were about to cross a street and he said "Hey, look out for that bus!", I would look up, not because I trust,admire or agree with him, but because I don't want to get mashed by a bus. Sometimes good information is where it is, not where you want it to be.
Yet Again Absolutely Correctly Yours,
The Archduke
I attempted to refrain from snide remarks altogether, but a few slipped out and for them I apologize. This whole "being nice" thing requires me to take baby steps. I ordinarily agree with most of what Medved says but on this issue I think he suffers from a type of hysteria, brought on by anything that can remotely be linked with a conspiracy theory.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Thought Provoking
George Will is one conservative who is not impressed with Fred Thompson.
Bush's suicide mission.
Monday, June 11, 2007
I know I'm a dork
But this little picture I found on the internets made me laugh so I thought I would share it.
Thought I would add a little levity to soften the blow of the catfight we have all been witness to.
The Vic
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Redefining Our Terms
If you have not read the Archduke's previous post, Defining Our Terms, please do so before continuing.
I have to say at the outset that the more I thought about my reply to the Archduke's mean spirited diatribe, the less inclined I was to reply at all. Not because I agree with much of what he says, (to the contrary, I believe he is being willfully wrong-headed on this issue) but because we have been down this road so many times before.
It is true that in the past I have called the Archduke a bully in the school yard sense of the word. But what he so conveniently omitted from his post is that it has been years since I retracted that particular accusation. After many long, tedious discussions on the subject, the Archduke has convinced me that he was not your run of the mill, pick-on-the-little-guy-because-I-can type of bully. These days, when I refer to the Archduke as this sort of bully, it's not because I mean it, but because of the joy it brings me when he so willingly takes the bait. Can you say hyper-sensitive? Could it be a guilty conscience?
The problem the Archduke has when it comes to this issue, I must conclude, is his limited understanding of the English language. The word "bully", like most words in the English language, can have many usages. The definition given by the Archduke--"a quarrelsome, overbearing person who badgers and intimidates SMALLER or WEAKER people"--is the most common, but by no means the only accurate use of the word.
According to Dictionary.com, "bully" can also be used to describe one who intimidates or domineers, or one who is loudly ARROGANT and overbearing. The point is, a bully isn't necessarily one who uses the threat of violence to intimidate smaller or weaker people. Nay, it is my contention that most bullying by adults is much more subtle than even the definition I have provided suggests.
I now have tired head, so it's time to wrap this up. In a nutshell, the Archduke employs bully tactics when it suits him by using the two most common methods available to his type, coercion and manipulation.
Friday, June 8, 2007
Defining our terms
It has come to my attention that there exists a type of man, who while capable of functioning reasonably well in polite society, either cannot or will not grasp the meaning of certain simple words. The most recent example of this phenomenon occurred the other night when a couple of guests at my home habitually misused the relatively simple word-BULLY. For the record Mr Webster and I (not to mention all the other LITERATE people on the planet) know that bully means-"a quarrelsome, overbearing person who badgers and intimidates SMALLER or WEAKER people." Obviously anyone with an IQ higher than his waist size knows this. Why then, you ask, would men of even modest faculties, like these two, continue to get it wrong?
Before I answer that, allow me a moment to set the scene. Over the course of several hours, these two stated some 641 times, that in high school I was a bully. Never mind the fact that neither one of them met me until I was 33 years old, never mind the fact that neither one of them has ever met anyone that I went to high scool with(except my wife, who has repeatedly stated that I was NOT a bully). They ignored my challenge to find one schoolmate who would refer to me as a bully and my assertion that if they did manage to locate one, I would bring twenty to contradict him. Their actions defy logic.
It appears that there can be only two possible explanations. Theory one is that they must have reverted back into their secret geek language that they invented in seventh grade when they had no friends save each other. In that language bully meant "cool,beloved, jock that we would really like to be." Theory two is that they were so warped by their own misshapen bodies and fearful minds that anyone who was mentally and physically superior to them was automatically deemed a bully. Either way it is sad, and we can only hope that some day Science will find a way to end their whimpering.
Forgivefully Yours, (further proof that I am not a bully)
The Archduke
Saturday, June 2, 2007
I don't think the blog is dying just yet. Our traffic has remained fairly steady since we started, it kind of comes in spurts. Speaking of Bush, did anyone else see him bowing down to the global warming silliness? Please don't tell me he has backbone, I am officially sickened. Oh and what about Sillary Clinton's speech admitting that she is a socialist, she wants to redistribute wealth and the poor are getting poorer ad nauseum ( probably the biggest lie of the left) Well at least she admitted it, what is sad isn't the rhetoric it is the belief in the rhetoric. Are people really this stupid and blind? If so there is little hope for the country or the world. The anomaly of greatness that the U.S. was is slowly slipping back into the shit hole of life that was the state of the world since the beginning and is still true in much of the world today.
It is sad
The Vic
Basic requirements for Manhood
List 1 consist of things that the well rounded man either knows how to do or is actively attempting to learn how to do.
1. Throw a proper punch..................
2. Throw a ball....................
3. Operate a tractor......................
4. Ride a horse......................
5. Ride a motorcycle....................
6. Shoot a full size handgun, shotgun, and rifle................
7. Properly clean the above mentioned firearms.............
8. Hide his initial reaction to almost anything.................
9. Successfully haggle over price without becoming angry or insulting...............
10. Get into a locked car without a key and without breaking anything...................
11. Demand an explanation/apology from a stranger without becoming angry or insulting.........
12. Keep his mouth shut...................
List 2 consist of things that the well rounded man knows.
1. Bullies must be faced and shut down immediately by whatever means necessary.........
2. An insult unpunished is the parent of another. (Ben Franklin, I think)..................
3. Women don't get it and never will...................
4.The time of sunset this evening (within 10 min.) and the time of sunrise in the morning (within 10 min.)...................
5. The dates of the first and last killing frost in his area............
6. The average annual rain fall in his area..............
7. What the two most poisonous snakes in his area look like...........
8. What the two most poisonous plants in his area look like....................
9. The difference between wild mushrooms that will kill you and those that won't............
10. When someone is full of shit..............
11. The difference between an uncomfortable situation and a dangerous one..............
12. That emotional outburst do nothing to lessen pain.............
List 3 consist of personal items that the well rounded man owns or is actively seeking.
1. A high quality, large caliber, single action, autoloading pistol.............
2. A functional, accurate, .22LR caliber rifle................
3. A high quality, razor sharp, legal to carry, folding knife...............
4. A high quality, compact binocular (German if possible)...................
5. At least one high quality flashlight that works every time (Surefire if possible)..........
6. A reliable watch....................
7. A Leatherman tool or any quality copy.........................
8. A good dog................
9. A high quality rod and reel.................
10. At least one biography of any of the great men...........
11. At least one book about any war..............
12. A leather wallet with pictures of his children..............
Feel free to ignore/attack/add to/subtract from my list at your liesure. The monkey-like tinkerings of the masses won't change the universal truths I have revealed here today.
You're Welcome, Again,