When you've got nothing better to do, check out this article from Western Horseman by an autistic Ph.D. who tells how she thinks like an animal. Do I understand it? Neigh.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Incompetence and legalized theft
Here's an outstanding article from the Wall Street Journal which explains how congress is almost entirely responsible for the current high gas prices.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Some truths seem truer than others
A few years back humorist Dave Barry created a list of observations which he titled Twenty-five things it took me over 50 years to learn. Here's a taste..."They can hold all the peace talks they want, but there will never be peace in the Middle East. Billions of years from now, when Earth is hurtling toward the Sun and there is nothing left alive on the planet except a few microorganisms, the microorganisms living in the Middle East will be bitter enemies."
Monday, May 26, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Spike Lee: Another Offended Negro
Friday, May 23, 2008
Achtung, I'm scared
"The Krauts are allowing the most dangerous people to get away and are in the process increasing the danger for the Afghans and for all foreign forces here." British officer in Kabul, Afghanistan 2008
Not so long ago the German military was the most feared and lethal force the world had ever known. Now, according this article from Der Spiegel, the Germans would be more help in the war on terror if they would just get out of the way.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Barack Obama packs them in...sometimes
The media were all atwitter yesterday when reporting about the whopping 75,000 granola eaters who gathered in Portland to worship the ebony Messiah. What they weren't so atwitter about was reporting that many of those were likely there just to see the heavily promoted free concert by the popular regional band, The Decemberists. But hey, why let a pertinent fact or two get in the way of promoting the chosen one?
This reminds me of a few weeks ago when his holiness only drew about 12 members of his cult to a rally in North Carolina. Of course the paucity of devotees was never mentioned and on television the crowd appeared much larger. Fortunately, Mary Katharine Ham of Fox News fame was there to capture the moment in pictures.
No Tears For Senator Kennedy
Monday, May 19, 2008
I hate to be so distrustful
Is it just me or does anybody else suspect that Killer Kennedy's seizure is about to be used for a political statement? What statement you may ask? Why the "Kennedy is old, he could die anytime, ergo, McCain is a walking time bomb so should we really elect someone so close to death" ploy. I see Kennedy or his spokesman saying that Ted fought the good fight for his people but he really is and has been for some time, past the age of serving in such an important position. I know this view is very cynical but what is it about the left that makes anyone think they aren't capable of such dirty pool? Stay tuned for further developments.
The Vic
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Political Correctness in da house
For the past five years my eldest daughter, Lady Selfish, has worked as a cashier for a large national discount store. This afternoon she told me about a new policy that has just been implemented at her workplace.
As is common in retail outlets, merchandise has a way of winding up in the wrong place. For example, because they are rude, thoughtless idiots a customer may pick up a football in the sporting goods department and after deciding against the purchase, leave it in housewares. In this company these out of place items are referred to, quite appropriately, as foreign. Yeah, you guessed it. Apparently someone within the company has complained that using the word foreign is offensive, so now the new term for goods that are not where they belong is re-shop. That--the taking offense at such a benign term and the overreaction to it--is a perfect example of the hyper-sensitive, perpetually offended, politically correct world the left has created.
Friday, May 16, 2008
White American Fear
When I was young, back in the '70's and '80's, the word most used by the leftists to describe conservatives was greedy. The Vietnam war was all about greed, any action taken in the middle east was all about greed, fighting(and eventually defeating) the Soviet communists was all about greed. You get the idea. The leftist's contention was that financial gain was the only motivator for the Conservative. They screeched from every rooftop that white Americans would enslave any minority, murder any peace loving people, sell any Grandmother(including their own) if there was a profit in it. The fact that there are millions of middle and lower middle class Republicans rendered this claim idiotic but of course that didn't stop the screeching. Over the years we got used to it and learned to ignore it much like the annoying hum of an old kitchen appliance.
It would appear, that lately, one of them stopped spewing venom long enough to realize that calling us greedy wasn't infuriating us the way they wanted. This is proof, by the way that, the screaming snot slinging, radical letfist CAN learn, but like an inbred child who grew up on a steady diet of lead based paint chips, it takes them longer. So they changed words. Make no mistake, we conservatives are still greedy but now what we mainly are is... wait for it....SCARED!
That's right, according to the grass eaters on the left, white American Conservatives are scared of almost everything. We are afraid of negroes, we are afraid of illegal aliens, we are afraid of muslims, we are afraid of homosexuals, and communists, and strong(abrasive) women, and public vulgarity, and drugs, and body odor, and bad breath, and... wait a minute I just noticed that all the things we are supposedly afraid of are things that they embrace and/or worship. Interesting.
Anyway back to my point. While I realize that this is just more baseless, childish name calling, I feel the need to address it, once. Although I am a white American Conservative, I speak only for myself when I say that I am not afraid of negroes. I'm tired of them. Tired of their shameless whining and bitching, tired of the inordinant amount of crime they commit, and tired of watching serious and important people pander to them. I am not afraid of illegal aliens, not afraid just tired. Tired of hordes of unwashed, uneducated, unhealthy, surly squalids pouring into my country illegally in an attempt to turn it into a third world cesspool remeniscient of the one they are fleeing. Same with the muslims and communists, no fear just tired disgust. These two groups have proven time and time again that the things they bring to the table are vile and unwanted by civilized people. It's long past time for us to stop tiptoeing around and come down on them like Thor's Hammer, once and for all. As far as homosexuals and strong(abrasive) women go, I'm not scared of them and I don't hate them, I just want them to shut up. Please?
Michael Moore's crockumentary, "Bowling for Columbine" is an example of the left's attempts to portray the least fearful group of Americans as dangerously scared crazies. His assertion that gun owners and concealed carry permit holders have weapons because they are irrationally afraid of crime, is like saying that anyone with a spare in their car is irrationally afraid of flat tires. When you think about it, it's almost funny, in a sad depressing sort of way.
In the big scheme of things, like the old kitchen appliance that's hum has changed pitch just enough to be annoying again, we will soon learn to give the left's new word for us all the attention it deserves.
His peace loving Obamaness
Our future president is going to solve America's international problems with an age old and proven technique, he is going to talk to our enemies. What wisdom! The good news is that the people who want us dead (see muslim) will change their ways and views due to this brilliant ploy! No more war! No more tension! No more enemy! My heart is filled to the brim with love for this sage of sages! Stupid, imperialist George should've thought of this years ago. He and Saddam could've shared some tea and biscuits, partook of the Harem, and worked out a great deal for both teams. Stupid stupid George. Luckily the vastly experienced in world policy Obamaman will take clean up the mess of poor stupid George. Wow times are about to be good! My hope has been rekindled! Oh and more good news is, all of the American hating peoples ( see islam) is pulling for him too! I even bet those wiley old Chinese, Russians, and Koreans from the north are pulling for him too. With all that love from our future allies how could anything go wrong?
Hopeful me
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Overly Ambitious Mud People
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Shoes fit for a King
My cool quotient is already so high that I was reluctant to do this post. Didn't want to seem all braggy and stuff. But I got over that.
These super cool custom Reebok NFL licensed Dallas Cowboy sporty sport shoes were delivered to my door this morning for no other reason than I live. They were a gift from my little brother who works for a national sporting goods concern. Check 'em out. They even have my name sewn onto the heel--which I scratched out of the photo--as extra proof of my coolness.
Bill O'Reilly throws fit - King Selfish giggles
O'Reilly constantly reminds his viewers that he's looking out for the folks. After watching this minute and a half video in which he turns into a screechy wad of angry estrogen, I take it that by folks he means people who don't work with him. Cheese ball.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Tolstoy pegs Al Gore and his global warming minions
“I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into the fabric of their lives.”
Monday, May 12, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Muslim Father Speaks - Daughter Still Dead
A couple of weeks ago we brought you the story of the 17 year old Iraqi girl who made the fatal mistake of falling in love with a British soldier and was subsequently stomped, choked and stabbed to death by her Muslim father. Well, not entirely by her father. Loath to miss out on the fun and excitement of snuffing out the life of their beloved sister, her two brothers chipped in until she was good and dead. Boys will be boys.
Now that things have settled down a bit and he has recovered from his two hours of incarceration, our Islamic father of the year has given an interview in which he tells us his only regret is that he didn't kill his vile daughter at birth. Surreal.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
John McCain still Sucks
Make no mistake, I believe that McCain is the lesser of the three evils from which we get to choose. Still, I am dismayed at how poor a choice he is. He is against drilling for American oil in places where a lot of that oil happens to be. He believes in man made global warming and intends to take action in that regard. He is an illegal alien sympathizer and intends to take action in that regard. He is against making moHAMmed's murderous minions uncomfortable in order to extract information that will save Americans and their allies. And while he doesn't like to talk about it, he snuggles up to some vile leftists on issues like unilateral personal disarmament. Just saying these things about the REPUBLICAN candidate for President makes me "throw up a little in my mouth".
Things are going to get ugly in the general election. The far left will attack McCain as a phony hero, and they will be correct. Good, conservative republicans will be forced to defend his indefensable claim to the title of hero. The lefties will use his own admissions to breaking the Military Code of Conduct and accepting special treatment, against him. They will quote the words of men of higher rank and longer captivity who don't believe his claims of torture. They will trot out many North Vietnamese who will recount ALL of the preferential treatment he recieved as an Admiral's son. And finally,surely, someone will point out the idiocy of his claim to have refused early release in order to foil the communist propaganda coup. Since when does a PRISONER dictate to his CAPTORS? How does that work? And why aren't prisoners all over the world doing it? The fact is, if the NVA had wanted to release McCain they would have and he couldn't have stopped them. This particular lie is an insult to our intelligence. Am I the only one who sees this? Hello, is anybody there?
As I've said before, I admire and appreciate John McCain's service and his suffering. But I despise his claim to be something that he is not. Heroes are not mythical creatures, they exist and there are many of them among us. Unfortunately and despite his claims to the contrary, the Republican nominee is not one of them.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
He did it again
Can you believe that that old devil, George W. once again allowed or ,better yet, caused another natural disaster that killed lots of people. He did absolutely nothing to prevent, warn or relocate the Myanmar people from the devastation of that massive typhoon. First his global warming policies CAUSED the storm, then his total apathy for humanity allowed so many to perish. It may be worse than that tsunami he caused a few years ago. Damn you George Bush, damn you.
The absent one
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
In a Nutshell
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse.
A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight; nothing he cares about more than his own personal safety; is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of men better than himself.
John Stuart Mill
This comes from my file entitled "Things I wish I was smart enough to come up with", not surprisingly that file is quite thick.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Saturday, May 3, 2008
How will you die?
He who must not be named has created an interesting post about the odds of an American dying of a particular cause. I've never been all that good at analysis but if I understand the numbers, to give yourself the best chance of living to a ripe old age, stay away from automobiles and buy a gun.
Tales of the Reconquista
Thousands of hispanics converged on Seattle a couple of days ago. I'm not sure why, but my guess is that an image of the Virgin Mary appeared in someone's toilet. Whatever the reason, while they were all gathered together they decided to have themselves an Immigration March. Good times. If you like to read inspiring protest signs go here and knock yourself out.
I may have to rethink my opposition to illegal immigration after this. After all, mexicans will spell words that Americans won't.
P.S. One of the signs confused me. You'll know it when you see it.
Friday, May 2, 2008
The World to Come
Assuming Pat Buchanan and the National Policy Institute are correct, if you are reading this after the year 2060, odds are you are either an African or an Arab.