Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Rig Count Update
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Nasty Pelosi: Super Hero
" I'm trying to save the planet; I'm trying to save the planet."- Nancy Pelosi (D-ranged old whore) This woman seems to think that she is the star in her very own science fiction movie.
The arrogance required to believe that humans, i.e. ants in the afterbirth, are capable of destroying the planet is beyond that which even I possess. But even that arrogance pales by comparison to what is needed for a Botox filled old bimbo to think that she is the savior of Earth.
She is obviously planning on succeeding, otherwise she wouldn't bother pimping her new book, "Know Your Power", it's all about getting more women into leadership positions. I must admit, I don't fully understand the logic behind choosing leaders based solely on their plumbing, but it's probably okay since it appears we have decided to to pick one based solely on his pigmentation.
Friday, July 25, 2008
The Hollowpoint Cult

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Jesse Jackson has blood on his hands, literally
In a recent conversation I said that I was reserving my belief that Jesse Jackson smeared himself with the blood of the slain Dr. Martin Luther King until I heard it from a reliable source. I now believe. Middle of fourth paragraph.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Nutroot's nation
Noticed there was a big blogger's convention in Austin last week. As a matter of fact it was a liberal blogger's convention. This was a bigger gathering of nuts than the annual Okmulgee Oklahoma pecan festival. There were two prominent goober's who addressed the salty ones and were greeted by cries of adulation from the rabid following. Let me just say this, if you look up in any way to Pelosi and Gore then you should slowly fold up your laptop, set it down, and back away. I mean NOW! Go back to playing candy land and mystery date and forget you actually thought you were having thoughts. One good thing about the Nutrooters and their leaders, they sure make us (kingie poo, The great Arch dookie, and humble me) look pretty... pretty good.
These Days Everybody Is Great
Thursday, July 17, 2008
What the Heller!
In case you were wondering, no, there is no end to the insanity. Dick Heller, the man who took it to the D.C. gun ban, has had his handgun application rejected by the D.C. police because his semi-auto is, get this, a bottom loading weapon and therefore considered a machine gun. Wow, all these years of referring to my self-loading handguns as pistols when it would have been so much cooler to call them machine guns. (Uttering obscene language)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Spin This One Reverend Jackson
Read this article, then come back. Tick tock tick tock.
All done? Isn't it great how a 41 year old man can get the crap kicked out of him by a bunch of G-Dogs for defending his 12 year old daughter?" But Archduke," you ask "How on earth do you know that they were Negroes?" I know because one of them is named Devondre. And if one is a G-dog then they all are, because like curs everywhere, G-dogs only attack in packs.
If this man had been a CHL holder he and his family would be okay and the Twin Cities would have fewer thugs to worry about. Oh wait, I take that back, you can't take your pistol into an amusement park, even with a CHL. That's probably a really good rule because after all we wouldn't want anybody to get hurt.
Rants like this one make me seem like a raving racist but I don't care. A true racist would want to know if the victim was white. I don't because, again, I don't care. He was a Dad protecting his daughter and that is all I need to know. The name Devondre and the style of attack hints rather strongly at a certain African influence. If I'm wrong I'll print a retraction and apology, but I'll bet cash money that I don't have to.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Planet Earth's Number One Threat

Friday, July 11, 2008
If the self-absorbed American leftist has been explained any better, I'm not aware of it.
Take a minute to read this and you will have a firm grasp on the major political systems of the world.
Even if you don't like beer you may want to thank it for your existence.
"Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. I think I've forgotten this before." Steven Wright
Monday, July 7, 2008
Hippies With Attitude
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Pain and suffering one bad idea at a time
It's rude of these kids to be so hungry. Don't they know how much the leftists care for them?
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
Independence is as Independence Does
Old Marines never die; they just shoot punks who interrupt their lunch.