Sunday, September 28, 2008
Honor, Courage, Commitment
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Undecided Voters Are Idiots
Friday, September 26, 2008
Number 6
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
17 year old Muslim girl granted annulment
How about this feisty Pakistani girl. (Not the one in the photo, but similar.) When she was 9 her parents married her off to a smelly 45 year Muslim pedophile. Convinced that there must be more to life than being raped on a daily basis, she began seeking a way out of her
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Don't mess with Texans
Two armed shitheads invade home. Husband and wife take gun from one shithead, kill him, shoot the other. Joy.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I choose to disagree
I was watching some leftie on some talk show talk about Obama being "pro choice." Well hell who isn't? I like to choose the food I eat, the TV shows I watch, the uh friends I associate with, the color of my undies, my radio stations etc. etc... Of course as everyone knows I am easily confused and it took me a while to actually understand he was talking about abortion? Now look I am no fanatical anti baby killing kind of guy. I think there is a time and a term to do it if it is done. I do think R VS W should be overturned and the states should CHOOSE but other than that I am a little apathetic. That being said, why is it called pro choice? Why not pro baby killing, or infant murder is grand, or who needs condoms we have vacuums! Or simply "PRO ABORTION" Why is abortion a bad word? Why do the people who fight so strongly for it omit the mention of the act in their slogan? If it is ok it is ok right? Does it make them feel better to not mention the actual possible murderous act? I mean if I drunkenly crash my car into a pregnant woman then I can be charged for killing 2 people? That has always confused me. Ok lefties, repeat after me - "we believe a woman has the right to an ABORTION at any time. That is our choice." That needs to be on the t shirts and signs. I choose to quit writing now.
The Vic
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Geraldo is a Girl
Liberal Choice
While reading the linked article in the post below, I began to wonder, again; Where is the liberal outrage? Why aren't the feminists and all the other leftist screaming for something to be done to stop the murder of women and children by fundamentalist muslims? There is no shortage of righteous indignation every time some white, male executive calls his female secretary "darlin", or every time some woman who makes $150,000 a year fails to get a promotion. So why the silence when countless women and girls, worldwide, are being tortured, mutilated and murdered by muslim men, in the name of "honor"? It appears, for all the world, that the only people moved to action on this front are Conservative Americans.
The only possible explanation I have been able to come up with is this. Since it was President George W. Bush, a Semi-Conservative White American Male, who gave the order to bring the iron fist of America down on the crazy muslims, the good leftist MUST conclude that the crazy muslim is in the right because the alternative is unthinkable. The America hating left was faced with this question. Whom do we despise more, an archaic religion that insist on the murder of it's own women and children AND everyone else on the planet who is not a member, or George W. Bush? Their answer is clear, and sickening.
Freedom is overrated
So, young ladies, you want to choose who you will marry? Go ahead, right after we bury you alive.
Monday, September 1, 2008
The Redemptive Power of Hurricane Gustav
Once upon a time President George W. Bush was bored so he prayed real hard that death and destruction would visit some African-Americans. The Lord heard his prayers and was pleased so He sent hurricane Katrina to kill many ebony persons. President Bush rejoiced.
But all was not well.
Blacks and other liberals cried that George Bush was a meanie. President Bush pondered this in his heart but could not understand why drowning a bunch of African-Americans was a bad thing. Even so, the President wished to seek favor with those who hated him. He prayed to God once again, this time that he may be given an opportunity to save Blacks from peril and be praised for his benevolence.
God felt pity for the President and said unto Himself, "I will send hurricane Gustav so that George may show the liberals that he is ready, willing and able to protect blacks from harm." And the blacks and other liberals loved George Bush.