Wanna know who I don't get? Someone who takes their dog to a well used public space with the express purpose of encouraging it to loosen its bowels, that's who. Over the last fifteen years or so I have logged hundreds of miles on the track that you see in the photo above. In that time there is no telling how many seemingly nice, normal people I have seen walk their little poo-maker from somewhere in the neighborhood onto the track or football field so it could unleash a steaming pile of canine goodness right where folks are walking and kids are playing. What makes the whole thing so irritating is that there are a couple of acres just east of the track which the school has clearly designated for just such occasions. Click the photo to see for yourself.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
How do you doo
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I must admit, that is one well designated area. What I don't get is why you are such an ingrate. Look, if a guy takes his dog to the designated area then all you people on the track or the football field will miss the opputunity to see his precious little precious. These people go out of their way to share the UNBELIEVABLE CUTENESS of their "babies" with less fortunates like you. Navigating your way through a mine field of what we Latin speakers call Canis Crappus is a small price to pay for the opportunity to bask in the adorableness. Leaping large Lab loads, avoiding brown Beagle biscuits, and sidestepping pungent Poodle piles is really the least you can do.
Why complain? At least it is free poo. I am sure that most of those people would charge to watch their cute little bundles of feces delivering those cute little loads for all their adoring fans.
I think that people who allow their animals to defecate on public property should see their little beaste roasted alive and then have to clean up the doo with their bare hands.
Maybe dogs and cats could be added to the list of animals available for hunting. That way even city dwellers who don't have time to go out into the country and stalk wild beasts, could avail themselves of the sport from their front porches.
This post just gave me a happy daydream: Someone lets their 50 pound muddy dog trample me with its sharp claws and wet slobbers while I'm trying to run, and I promptly slap the person twice across the face. This way they will learn that some people don't care for their presumptuously artificial apologies. That, yes, some people understand dogs will be dogs and expect the owners to know this as well and act accordingly.
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